30 min – 1:15 hour/week Age 8-19 Competitive Edge Full Year Program
Prerequisites: Dancers must be approved by a teacher for these classes.
Ballet Jr2 Tech 8-9 yrs 30 min
Ballet Jr3 Tech 9-10 yrs 30 min
Ballet Jr4 Tech 10-11 yrs 1 hour
Ballet Int2 Tech 11-13 yrs 1 hour
Ballet Int3 Tech 12-14 yrs 1:15 hour
Ballet Int4 Tech 13-15 yrs 1:15 hour
Ballet Sen2 Tech 14-16 yrs 1:15 hour
Ballet Sen3 Tech 15-19 yrs 1:15 hour
Ballet Tech classes are mandatory for all C level students except Future Stars and Novice Team. Tech C level classes are full year training structured syllabus classes where students learn to have a strong foundation of proper alignment, strength, flexibility and coordination.
Recital/Costume: This is a non performing class and no costume is required.
Dance Wear: Please refer to Dance Attire for required dance wear for this class.