2024-2025 Full Year Program Tuition
To get you registered we need:
- Registration fee: $37.50 (single)/ $55 (family)
- June’s last month tuition
- Both non-refundable unless we cannot place the student in a class.
Your tuition is based on class length and how many classes you take:
- For a single class:
View Tuition Rates below for length of your class and cost, then add G.S.T. - For more than one class:
Using the fee schedule below, add up each individual class time total. Deduct tuition discounts according to how many classes are taken, then add GST.
Click to download fee schedule
Note: Our registration system will automatically total the hours and the discounts BUT requires you to pay the Registration fee and the June tuition to complete your registration process. Once we receive your registration, the office will then apply the registration amount as a credit to your account THEN you will receive an email stating how much is owed. This can take up to a few days depending on registration volume.
2024-2025 Short Term Program Tuition
6 weeks program (5 sessions per year)
30 min class/week $93 +G.S.T. per session
45 min class/week $105 +G.S.T. per session
No Registration Fee – No Discounts – Prepay Full Amount – Non Refundable
Camps, Drop-Ins & Events
- See Class description/flyer or Registration System for prices
- Fees paid in full at time of registration.
- Fees are non-refundable.
Financial Assistance
We believe that all kids should be given the chance to pursue their love for dance and experience the benefits of quality dance instruction regardless of their family’s financial situation. Our office team can help you with the application processes for Jumpstart and Kidsport.
Any Questions? We are happy to assist you! Send us an email or give us a call during our office hours.